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Cuairt ó Joe Ó Brien

Chuir rang a 4 múinteoir Lára agus an coiste glas fáilte roimh An tAire Stáit le freagracht as Forbairt Pobail agus Carthanais sa Roinn Forbartha Tuaithe agus Pobail, Joe O' Brien le déanaí. Labhair sé leo faoin timpeallacht, a ról mar Aire agus faoin bPlean Gníomhú ar son na haeráide. Ba mhaith linn buíochas a ghabháil leis as ucht bualadh isteach orainn.

Múinteoir Lára's, 4th class and the Green School Committee welcomed Minister of State with responsibility for Community Development and Charities, Joe O' Brien to the school recently. He spoke with the pupils about the environment, his role as a minister and the Climate Action Plan 2023. We thank the minister for taking the time to call out to us.

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