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Frásaí Áisiúla

Tá roinnt frásaí úsáideacha ar fáil thíos chun cabhrú leat mar thuismitheoir. Anuas ar sin tá cóip de 'Déan Comhrá', áis atá curtha ar fáil ag Gaeloideachas agus nasc chuig an suíomh 'Gaeilge Do Thuismitheoirí', áit a thiocfaidh tú ar thuilleadh áiseanna chun cabhrú leat  le do chuid Gaeilge féin. 

Frásaí na Scoile
  • Dia duit - Hello - Dee a gwitch

  • Dia ‘s Muire duit - Hello (answer to above) - Dee a is mwera gwitch

  • Conas atá tú? - How are you? - Cun is a tha two?

  • Tá mé go maith - I am well - Tha may gu mah

  • Gabh mo leithscéal - Excuse me - Ga mo lesh cale

  • An féidir liom caint leat? - Can I speak to you? - On fay der lum kinet lat?

  • Tá brón orm - I’m sorry - Tha bron orum

  • Cá bhfuil do chóta? - Where is your coat? - Caw will du coata?

  • Cá bhfuil do gheansaí? - Where is your jumper? - Caw will du gansy?

  • Cá bhfuil do mhála? - Where is your bag? - Caw will du walla?

  • Cá bhfuil do lón? - Where is your lunch? - Caw will do loan?

  • An bhfuil do lón agat? - Do you have your lunch? - On will du loan agut?

  • An bhfuil do obair bhaile agat? - Do you have your homework? - On will du ubar wala agut?

  • An bhfuil do pheann agat? - Do you have your pen? - On will do fan agut?

  • An bhfuil do choip agat? - do you have your copy? - On will do cope agut?

  • An bhfuil do leabhar agat? - do you have your book? – On will do lawar agut?

Frásaí an Bhaile
  • Cén t-ám é? - What time is it? - Cane tom ay?

  • Tá sé - It is - Tha shay

  • Ar mhaith leat? - Would you like? - Air wath lat?

  • Ba mhaith liom - I would like - Bu wath lum

  • Níor mhaith liom - I wouldn’t like - Near wath lum

  • Cuir an solas ar siul - Turn on the light - Cur on sulus air shule

  • Cuir an teilifís ar siul - Turn on the television - Cur on telefeesh air shule

  • Cuir an raidio/ríomhaire ar siul - Turn on the radio/computer - Cur an radio/reevera air shule

  • Múch an solas/teilifís/raidio/ríomhaire - Turn off the light/tv/radio/computer - Mook an sulus/telefeesh/reevara

  • Dún an doras - Close the door - Dune on durus

  • Dún an fhuinneog - Close the window - Dune an inyoog

  • Dún an leabhar - Close the book - Dune an lawar

  • Oscail an doras/an fhuinneog/leabhar - Open the door/window/book - Uskill on durus/inyoog/lawar

  • Nígh do lámha - Wash your hands - Knee du lawva

  • Ith do dhinnear - Eat your dinner - I du yinair

  • Suí síos - Sit down - See she us

  • Seas suas - Stand up - Shass sue us

  • Glan suas - Clean up - Glon sue us

  • Tá sé in am dul a chodladh - It’s time to go to sleep - Tha shay in ahm dul a kulla

  • Léimid scéal - We’ll read a story - Lay a midge shcale

  • An bhfuil obair bhaile agat? - Do you have any homework? - On will ubur walla agut?

  • Déan d’obair bhaile - Do your homework - Dane dubur walla

  • An bhfuil tú críochnaithe d’obair bhaile? - Are you finished your homework? - On will two creek na ha dubur walla?

  • Taispeán dom d’obair bhaile - Show me your homework - Tash bawn dumb dubur walla

  • Slán - Bye - Slawn

  • Bí go maith! - Be good! - Bee gu mah

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